
您所在的位置:网站首页 过年 菜名 全国春节年夜饭,这些“硬菜”英文菜名快来看看~


2024-06-24 10:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



东北的小鸡炖蘑菇 Stewed chicken with mushroom

广东的白切鸡 Boiled chicken served cold

北京的烤鸭 Peking duck

湖南的炖猪蹄 Stewed pig's feet

广西的螺狮鸡 Stewed chicken with spiral shells

江苏的盐水鸭 Boiled salted duck

黑龙江的酸菜白肉血肠 Stewed pickled cabbage with pork and black pudding

福建的 佛跳墙 Buddha jumps over the wall

台湾的蒜蓉蒸乌鱼子Steamed mullet roe

内蒙古的手扒羊肉 Mutton eaten with hands

陕北小米年糕 Millet cake

澳门意头菜 Dish with good intentions

新疆烤包子 Roasted stuffed bun







Chicken is a homophonefor ji (meaning "good luck" and "prosperity"). That is one thing that makes it such a welcome dish at reunion dinners. Chicken is usually served whole — head and feet included — to symbolize "unity" and "wholeness", while also signifying "a good beginning and end" to the year.

homophone n. 同音异形异义字

Chicken is a homophonefor ji (meaning "good luck" and "prosperity"). That is one thing that makes it such a welcome dish at reunion dinners. Chicken is usually served whole — head and feet included — to symbolize "unity" and "wholeness", while also signifying "a good beginning and end" to the year.

homophone n. 同音异形异义字



鱼与“余”(surplus)同音,除夕吃鱼象征着“年年有余”(having abundance year after year)。



The fish should be the last dish eaten leaving some leftover, as this has auspicious symbolism for there being a surplus every year. This is practiced north of the Yangtze River, but in other areas, the head and tail of the fish shouldn't be eaten until the beginning of the year, which expresses hope that the year will start and finish with a surplus.

The fish should be the last dish eaten leaving some leftover, as this has auspicious symbolism for there being a surplus every year. This is practiced north of the Yangtze River, but in other areas, the head and tail of the fish shouldn't be eaten until the beginning of the year, which expresses hope that the year will start and finish with a surplus.


广东人 吃年夜饭是最讲究的,很多菜品都有自己的寓意,就为了讨个“好彩头”。

他们 有一道“群英荟萃”的菜肴——盆菜(pen cai / fortune pot)。



This multi-layered Chinese New Year delicacy is filled to the brim with luxurious ingredients — and for good reason. By layering the pot with premium seafood and meat, it literally symbolizes wealth and abundance to mark the start of the new year.

盆菜的食物会按一定次序一层叠一层地排好。上层会放些较名贵的食物,例如鲍鱼、 大虾;最下层则放些容易吸收汤汁的食材,如猪皮和萝卜。


虾在年夜饭中也是随处可见。在广东, 因粤语中“虾”的发音同普通话的“哈”,虾就成为了活泼、快乐和好运的代名词。

Shrimp is a popular Chinese New Year dish among Cantonese people. Shrimp represents "liveliness", as well as "happiness" and "good fortune", because the Cantonese word for shrimp, ha , sounds like laughter.

Shrimp is a popular Chinese New Year dish among Cantonese people. Shrimp represents "liveliness", as well as "happiness" and "good fortune", because the Cantonese word for shrimp, ha , sounds like laughter.


丰富多彩的高级海鲜齐聚一堂, 吃的不仅是色香味,更是“和”,一家人吃得团团圆圆、美美满满,这就是过年的意义。



在北方和部分南方地区,年夜饭都少不了 饺子,汪曾祺在《四时佳馔》中写到,“春节吃饺子,比户皆然”。




饺子有1800多年的历史,形状做得像中国古代的银锭(silver ingots)。传说新年吃的饺子越多,这一年赚的钱就越多。

With a history of more than 1,800 years,jiaozi is a classic lucky food for Chinese New Year.

Jiaozican be made to look like Chinese silver ingots. Legend has it that the more jiaozi you eat during the New Year celebrations, the more money you will make in the new year.

With a history of more than 1,800 years,jiaozi is a classic lucky food for Chinese New Year.

Jiaozican be made to look like Chinese silver ingots. Legend has it that the more jiaozi you eat during the New Year celebrations, the more money you will make in the new year.


年糕也是一种标志性的新年食物,因为它的名字含有“一年更比一年高(getting higher year by year)”的意思。


年糕的英语翻译既可以直接使用拼音niangao,也可以用glutinous rice cake来表示,即糯米糕。

Reach higher highs whenever you chow down on a piece of niangao. This glutinous rice flour dessert is commonly found steamed or fried with a batter to achieve a sweet, sticky, gooey cake that appeals to all ages. It directly translates to “all-year high” which signals a higher level of success in doing business or an incoming promotion at a job for the Chinese.

Reach higher highs whenever you chow down on a piece of niangao. This glutinous rice flour dessert is commonly found steamed or fried with a batter to achieve a sweet, sticky, gooey cake that appeals to all ages. It directly translates to “all-year high” which signals a higher level of success in doing business or an incoming promotion at a job for the Chinese.


红龟糕 图源:视觉中国




英语有时会把汤圆称作sweet glutinous rice ball,不过更普遍的是直接使用拼音tangyuan。

汤圆的名字和它圆圆的外形(spherical shape),蕴含着团圆美满(wholeness of a family)的寓意。

Tangyuanis made of glutinous rice flour. Its spherical shape symbolizes union and togetherness as each bite could either bursts with sweet or savory fillings of red bean, peanut or black sesame paste.

Tangyuanis made of glutinous rice flour. Its spherical shape symbolizes union and togetherness as each bite could either bursts with sweet or savory fillings of red bean, peanut or black sesame paste.


因此食物的意义不仅是饱腹,它是街头巷尾的年味,是焦虑又幸福的手忙脚乱,菜板上的刀痕和菜汁,锅里冒出的烟, 小孩嘴角的油,是忙碌,是喧腾,是一个崭新的年岁……

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